MaDe in rwanda youth campaign

FIYO implements a campaign of Made In Rwanda Youth Campaign that help the youth to change the mindshift of our people especially youth, towards locally made products and boost value addition along the value chain of production.
Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) in collaboration with Fight Illiteracy Youth Organization(FIYO), has launched Made In Rwanda School campaign on the theme entitled;"The role of youth in promoting Made In Rwanda." The campaign is aimed at a paradigm mindset shift among youth in favor of made in Rwanda.
Public talks/ presentations are being organized organized in secondary schools, universities, youth and women organization. Policy makers, private sector and other stakeholders have been invited to give public talks/presentations in schools and other higher instutions of learning on the impotance of using locally made products in the development of the national economy.
The Made In Rwanda Youth Campaign will continue through different radios and Tvs emissions as well as other public awareness tools.