Anti-Corruption Youth Program(ACYP)

Anti-Corruption Youth Program(ACYP) is a program that advocates for the youth to be on the focal point in putting a stop on corruption. The program targets the youth and the younger generations, The reason as to why FIYO has proposed this project
FIYO believes that in order to achieve a free corrupt society and nation it has to begin with the youth, the youth has to be empowered, well educated and has that will to fight and stop corruption.
FIYO also believes that one of the ways to stop corruption is by training the young generations through education to have a character of anti-corruption.
The main objective of this program is to increase the anti-corruption awareness in Youth but also raising public awareness on forms of corruption through educating any form of corruption through sensitization campaigns organized both at school and community level, The progam also has the objective to assist the local youth organizations in owning the fight of corruption, Particulary with regards to understanding their growth areas, Indentifying and addressing gaps and monitoring their over time.
This campaign will improve active participation of the society in the prevention of corruption through public talks and empowering the youth to stop corruption. The campaign wiill increase awareness on the causes and negative impacts of corruption to individuals and country at large.
Anti-corruption Youth Program(ACYP) educates the youth and societies in secondary schools, Universities, Youth Based Organizations, Groups under the chamber of PSF of Youth cooperatives in the communities where they live. We believe that in order to achieve a clean society and Zero Corrupt state the Youth has to be focal point to fight corruption.